Monday, March 26, 2007

It's About Fruit -- Not Achievement.

"It's About Fruit; Not Achievement"

This statement is the heading of chapter 10 in a book by Wes Roberts entitled Reclaiming God's Original Intent for the Church. Wes is a mentor and friend who challenged me (Bill) to return to Evansville and plant a church. I tried to avoid this call for several years but it would not go away. When a seed is planted in the heart of an individual and nurtured by God, it eventually breaks soil. When a church is planted by God it will yield fruit.
What is this vision? Here is a piece of it....
Many reasons to plant a church come to mind supported by statistics, cultural studies, and personal challenges from friends. But in the end, some things have to die in order to really live.
In John 12:24 Jesus says___ "Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over."
I think some of my thoughts about church have died over the years and out of those deaths a vision has emerged. I think what died is my hope that I would see fruit in the local church. I gave up for a while and did not even attend church I have been terribly disappointed as I see churches become irrelevant having no life changing impact on their communities. Yet I know that Jesus' church cannot and will not die. That truth had to become real again and hope in seeing real life change come from within the life of the local church had to be revorn in my heart.

Just as followers of Jesus will reproduce other followers of Jesus, healthy churches will plant other healthy churches. A healthy church will reproduce. If we do not reproduce, we will become extinct. From the very beginning and for several reasons, it has been and will remain my desire for us to reproduce churches in communities nearby rather than to grow large. By virtue of their size, large churches draw people out of their personal communities and make it easy to hide. Changed lives occur in the context of a life seen clearly by God and others where the truth of scripture can become personal and relevant. We want the church to be a personal, life changing community again.

We want to plant seeds as missionaries to our neighbors in communities nearby. The mission field in America is near to us, not far.

This vision of being missionaries not to a foreign culture but to our diverse culture, requires a greater discipline, a greater call to an open, visible, personal walk with Jesus. We will be counter cultural. This call is not to just a very few in our congregation but to each member.
Our lives will speak more loudly than our words and therefore, none can hide. Hiding in a big church is much easier so we will divide and plant in another community nearby before we grow large.
All of us are missionaries to our own personal communities; to our neighbors. To walk in the light is to be seen, not hidden. It is a frightening thought but if our faith in Jesus Christ has not changed us to be counter cultural, we will be irrelevant as missionaries. We want our very lives to be a witness to those nearby.
II Corinthians 6:13 paraphrased by Eugene Peterson in the Message says, "Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!"
We repeat often at journey..."It's not what you do, it's who you be". If you "be" a healthy (church) plant, fruit will come forth and seeds will develop for planting. You will not have to try harder to achieve but only to be a follower of Jesus and fruit will come forth.

We invite you, our community, to join us and help us remember our vision for being personal missionaries to our neighbors nearby each day as we Journey together.

Why Evansville/Newburgh, IN corridor?

  • We (the leadership team) all grew up within 30 miles or less of the area, and have a calling and desire to see people finding their way back to God through salvation in Jesus
  • The population within the 15 mile radius was determined to be over 258,000 and growing
  • If 1/3 of those folks attend a religious service (Christian or not) once very 6 months (research according to Barna) that means there are 172,000 people who are not finding their way back to God through Jesus within 15 miles of the location!
“Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” John 4:35
  • If we share the Good News of forgiveness of sins and salvation in Jesus Christ with only 1% (with a much larger vision) of that population, 1720 people will have heard the Gospel.

“I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Luke 15:7

Where in the world is the Evansville/Newburgh area?

The part of the world we will be going into with the Gospel is the Evansville/Newburgh, IN corridor. Newburgh is on the east side of Evansville and a continuing growing community (the current meeting location is here).

I (matt) graduated high school from Henderson, KY, only 30 miles south of Evansville.

The area and culture of people we are actually "targeting" is the Evansville/Newburgh "stretch" which is considered the East Side of Evansville, but Newburgh is in another county.

Toyota built a plant 30 miles north of downtown Evansville in Gibson County (Princeton), and has seen a considerable amount of economic and demographic development in the last 5 years:

Religiously, the area historically has a German and Catholic background. Having grown up in the area, Christianity can be very cultural and ingrained in the family for generations. After Catholicism, Evangelicalism is probably very much the predominant "religion."

Evangelicalism great contributions in the 70's, 80's, and 90's was a spread of the Gospel; but in some ways, the great "Evangelical Right" which produced alot of cultural and political Christianity probably did as much harm as good to that same Gospel message. Many who are turned off by the Evangelical Culture turn away from Christ for cultural reasons long before they can even hear the true "good news" (the word "Gospel" actual means "good news).

Who we are targeting, in many ways, are those of us (me, Matt, included) who grew up highly influenced by cultural christianity, but walked away from Jesus at some point because the intermingling confusion of the religious Christian culture with Jesus made us lose Jesus and not hear the good news of salvation and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

...I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard
what I have entrusted to him for that day - 2 Tim 1:12b

Separating out, or divesting oneself, from the religious culture of institutionalized Christianity (whether Catholic, protestantism, or mainline evangelicalism) can also mean a wandering or getting lost. Many want and are convicted that they need what the core of the good news (Gospel) is but because of the religious institutionalism created by cultural Christianity that is passed down generationally, they can no longer "hear" the gospel due to cultural noise.

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they
believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without
someone preaching to them? - Romans 10:14

This means we are potentially "breaking traditions" and possibly stretching the boundaries. We want to be allowed to ask the hard questions of theology (who is God?), ecclesiology (what is a "church"?), and doctrine (what does it mean to "teach them everything Jesus commanded"?), and also grounded in the word of God. We want them to understand the meaning in the traditions.

Our greatest hope is that many find Jesus. For some it may be a revival of what was a dying hope. For others it may be really hearing the good news of forgiveness and life in Jesus Christ for the first time. But it doesn't matter where you are on your journey, we urge you to join us on a mission to bring people back to God through the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are hopeing to follow what Jesus has commanded and promised.

We are calling this a JOURNEY and specifically JOURNEY 242. It is based on Acts 2:42 and what happened when the first followers of Jesus Christ shared the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ (with the evidential help of God):

That day about three thousand took him at his word, were baptized and were signed up. They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers.

Links about Evansville:

2002 Census info:
University of Southern Indiana's description of Evansville:

Downtown Freedom Festival:

Bluegrass in the Park:

Thursday, March 22, 2007

There is a comfort in the reality we cannot do this without the blessing and hand of God.

As we (Matt and Mary Ruth) get off the ground and start moving towards Evansville, IN to join Journey242 there are things that we are trying to wait patiently for the Lord on.

There are things that we are, very simply, having to trust and wait that God will provide and guide:

1) Our house needs to sell! There is little we feel we can do until it does sell.

2) We need provisions for the family! As we join the planting team, we are limited by what we can actually contribute until we get the family settled and provided for. We believe it's likely we will have at least part time work, but possibly even full time.

3) Continued unity and vision for how to share about salvation in Jesus death and resurrection! But also a passion for the lost and the request that the Spirit of God lead and guide us as we obey him by teaching and baptizing.
We know the journey will be long. But we are encouraged by the reality that it was God in Acts 2 that brought the people. We simply live our lives going into the world and sharing the Gospel by obediently-loving and "teaching everything He has commanded."

We have alot of work ahead of us!

There is a comfort in the reality we cannot do this without the blessing and hand of God.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007



We, at Journey242, are on a mission. Here are some of our goals.

1. To plant one healthy church that will help people find a way back to God.
2. To teach the Word of God in a relational context while providing a home for the "unchurched" who have lost hope in the local church.
3. To send one another to reach the "lost" in our personal communities with the hope of salvation we have found in Jesus Christ.
4. To enter authentic, honest, and open relationships with one another where becoming more like Jesus is the focus.
5. To support one another as we walk together as missionaries in this world while looking forward to the next.
6. To reach 400 worshipers in our fellowship before supporting and sending out at least 100 missionaries to plant another church in the Evansville area.
7. To multiply and plant at least 5 churches in the Evansville area.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

"What does this mean?" or "We've had too much wine"

When the Spirit of the Lord moved the first church in Acts 2, the response was either:

  • Amazing wonder asking, “What does this mean?” (Acts 2:12)
  • Mocking response, “They have had too much wine.” (Acts 2:13)

We could have had too much wine...but...We have decided to join a church planting team

Americans have become disillusioned by "church" and "organized religion." Yet according to a recent Gallup survey, the majority of Americans have not given up on God. In fact, I've found that most people aren't atheists ... they're just turned off or too busy!

That's why, with just a dream of building an authentic community of followers of Jesus Christ, some small groups were begun in Evansville, IN.

The Growing Vision: A place where…

    …people can check out Christianity and seek answers to spiritual questions, and risk an encounter with God

    …we ask and explore the question: "What on Earth am I here for?"

    …we are seeking to reconnect with God through Jesus Christ in an authentically fresh way;

    …we connect with each other, the body as He intends;

    …we are on a mission together

    …joining our journey team will feel more like a visit with folks in life than a formal meeting with a set plan

We know that once you have committed to following Jesus…
you will never be the same!

    If you would like to support and help Journey242 continue to “get off the ground” by giving to one time start up costs (tax deductible) or a giving for a short term commitment (2 to 3 years) we would appreciate it. You may also drop us an email ( and we will keep you updated at your request in that way (or send you vision statements or other things you might request). The other option is to send any support now to:


    2280 N. Cullen Avenue

    Evansville, IN 47715

    Wednesday, March 14, 2007

    The Journey...

    We have researched and prayed about joining a church plant last fall in Evansville, Indiana. Our decision at the time was that we were overwhelmed and not ready or in a place to make that immediate commitment or decision.

    Through months of waiting, praying, and seeking discernment in several ways, we have decided to come along side this body of believers. The purposes of doing this are:

    1. To serve Jesus by serving His body in a missional role of church planting
    2. To serve Jesus and His body in a pastoral and teaching role
    3. To establish a more natural means of succession over the next few years as my father and senior leader starts entering retirement.

    You may be hearing from us more as things unfold and we covetously ask for your prayers or support. We are very excited, but we still have a long "row to hoe" in the continued effort to sell our house and relocate, much less the planting of a church.

    We are also well aware that what we are being led to is beyond what we are capable of and are feeling very much like broken vessels in the hands of our God.

    "But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ" - Phil 3:7
    "I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day." - 2 Tim 1:12

    I will not boast in anything
    No gifts no power no wisdom
    But I will boast in Jesus Christ
    His death and resurrection
    Why should I gain from His reward
    I cannot give an answer
    But this I know with all my heart
    His wounds have paid my ransom
    - "How deep the father's love for us"

    Church Plants Reach The Lost

    "You see, new churches worth their salt...reach believers who dropped out of church years ago. They reach people who don't really know the Lord. They reach children who have never gone to Sunday school in their lives. They reach the lost."

    - Dr. Ralph F. Wilson “Too many churches?"