Monday, September 10, 2007

Why Plant Churches?

I noticed this quote from a book titled "Forgotten Ways".

“Ivan Illich was once asked what did he think was the most radical way to change society; was it through violent revolution or gradual reform? He gave a careful answer. Neither. Rather, he suggested that if one wanted to change society, then one must tell an alternative story. Illich is right; we need to reframe our understandings though a different lens, an alternative story.. ” The Forgotten Ways, 190.

I sometimes look at the church landscape of Evansville and think, "Wow, am I radical!" But when I read this and think of the disruption Jesus' ministry caused in His culture, perhaps I am not radical at all. Is the story I am telling an alternative story in this culture? Is it because I am afraid I might not fit in or that I might be rejected? It is a constant temptation but I think I passed that fear 5-6 churches ago where I really tried to fit in and failed miserably. The reality is that we follow a Savior who was killed here; His reality is that He did not fit in either.

Are Reality Shows really showing reality? How can Jesus be Lord for people in this culture of Harry Potter, Food Networks, trans-gender rallies, and "Reality Shows"? We have to offer something radical in a culture of idols. Paul offered a Jesus; a man who claimed to be God, born in a room full of cow pies and animal dung, born to a virgin, who was a King and they...we killed Him. Did He really come out of that grave? Does He really care personally for me? Can Jesus possibly replace one's religion? Can He replace someone's idol?

Jesus is not an escape from reality; He is reality!

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