As many of you know I have been working 55-60 hours per week in my tent selling job and have worn myself down physically. It has taken a toll on my passion and emotions. I am thankful that God loves me enough to stretch me but it brings on some confusion in my heart that needs to be cleared up at times. Kevin's message challenged me this morning as did a little reading of my own words.
I was visiting one of my old posts to our blog and was reminded of these words that motivated me more than once in recent years. They are from the book Original Intent by Wes Roberts and Glenn Marshall. In this quote, God is reminding me that I do have a vision for something quite different in a local church. I want us to be really alive! I want us to impact our world for Jesus. I do not want us to be a "normal" American church that just fits in. Please read these words and reflect upon them.
"If, like me, you want to trade in illusion for reality, if you're a pastor or church leader or hungry Christian who loves the church and longs to participate in authentic community led by people who are
more broken than confident and
more Spirit-dependent than naturally talented,
if you desire to see the church re-formed into a place where
character counts more than credentials, where life is lived in humble trust
rather than by careful method ,
where organic growth matters more than organizational growth, where
serving nudges aside controlling ,..."
then dream, work out your salvation, and follow Jesus with me. There is work to do. People are lost and we have the Word that brings life anew.

Thank you, thank you, thank you....
I know there are many of you who are praying for us though you have never visited Journey. I am grateful for you because your prayers are being answered one by one, little by little, and in surprising ways. You are a shield about our family.
Matt and Mary Ruth's house is sold and they will be moving here in late August. Somebody wanna' help load and unload a truck??? I have done this sooooo many times... It should be a strong and convincing reminder that we have not yet arrived home.

We have room for two more for this guys trip to the South Platte River. Some of you Texans, Indy guys, and Colorado lovers could go?
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