Monday, September 3, 2007

Journey Calendar/Newsletter

Here is the Journey242 calendar (click here). If you like, save the (internet) address and bookmark it or even print the calendar. If you know of a church event that needs to be on the calendar, please email us at with the details. We will try to limit this to church and small group related events.

There is a danger in using the internet to communicate to people. As I think about this, it points to a possible confusing paradox to have most of our church information on the impersonal internet. We stress a relational focus rather than the impersonal focus of being event driven, program driven, and propositionally driven. If we do not continually and actively pursue relationships with one another as we follow Jesus, we could just become another non-relational, impersonal, propositionally driven church where legalism prevails and lives never change.

However, I (Bill) believe that the younger generations are using the internet to investigate and make decisions before they would ever darken the doors of our church or even more, before they would contact us in any way. With the internet we can be quite transparent. We can say up front who we are and what we are about. We can avoid being dogmatic and pursue open, honest communication where doubt is ok; where tough questions can be asked and hopefully answered.

I (Matt) also believe the internet forms a foundational and grounding place of many of our relationships already. We use it to find out about people, who they are, when to meet them, and alot of other simple aspects of relationships. The internet is an entry way into relationships for many, and for some it's often the only place of personal relationships.

For many young people, relationships begin on the internet and we welcome those relationships and the tough questions. Jesus did too. Jesus embraced the lonely, confused, and lost who had real questions and who were really seeking something they did not already have or understand. Jesus only attacked the hypocrites who thought they had all the answers. We want to reach the lost, the lonely, and the downtrodden.

Sometimes I (Bill) have to remind myself that we are on a Journey as we follow Jesus, walking and talking with Him as he changes us into His image. Jesus fulfills the laws by offering a relationship that by its very existence, changes our life. New friends can change our life by how they relate to us and how we relate to them. If we want to be "like Mike" we will buy Nike shoes and try to imitate Michael Jordan.

A relationship with Jesus does the same if we are following Him. To follow we have to surrender control. We have to want to be like Him. So don't let this calendar become something that replaces people or God. Let it become a planning tool that helps you find more time for living the Kingdom life now, following Jesus now, and inviting friends into that life with Jesus now.

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